Early Orthodontic Treatment in New City, NY

Early Treatment

Sobler Orthodontics provides interceptive orthodontics in New City, New York. Call 845-634-3560 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What Is Interceptive Orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics refers to early orthodontic treatment beginning around the age of 7. Most children do not need orthodontic treatment until they are between the ages of 11 and 14. But in some cases, there are orthodontic concerns present earlier that need to be treated.

Benefits of Interceptive Orthodontics

There are many benefits of interceptive orthodontics, including:

Improves chewing capabilities. Children with early orthodontic issues such as bite misalignment, may have trouble chewing effectively. Interceptive orthodontics can improve a child’s chewing capabilities.
Prevents permanent tooth extraction. Early orthodontic treatment can mean that all of the permanent teeth will have room to come in properly and avoid the need for extraction.
Reduces the extent of later treatment. Interceptive orthodontics paves the way for later treatment and can often reduce the extent and duration of future treatment.
Encourages positive growth of the jaw. Interceptive orthodontics can encourage the jaw to grow into a more ideal shape and position.

Treatments Offered

  • Two-phase orthodontics. When children require early orthodontic care, their treatment is often divided into two phases.
    • Phase I. Phase I typically begins around the age of 7-8 and may include oral appliances to make adjustments to the position of the teeth and jaw.
    • Phase II. Phase II typically begins in the adolescent years between 11 and 14 and often includes braces or clear aligners.

Why Choose Sobler Orthodontics?

We believe that early treatment can be extremely beneficial to children’s oral health, which is why we offer two-phase orthodontics. Interceptive orthodontics meets the needs of children both now and in the future. It is a more complete type of orthodontic treatment that looks at the big picture and the child’s overall health and wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions About Interceptive Orthodontics

At what age should a child have an orthodontic evaluation?

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, children should have an orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. Not all children will need treatment at this age, but some may. If we think your child may need future treatment, we will recommend periodic appointments to monitor their progress until the time is right to begin treatment.

Does interceptive orthodontics mean you get braces twice?

Early orthodontic treatment does not always include braces. It often includes oral appliances such as palatal expanders and space maintainers. In some cases, braces may be needed during interceptive orthodontics, but it is not always necessary to get them taken off and put back on later. Sometimes Phase I can segue directly into Phase II.

Does insurance cover interceptive orthodontics?

Most dental insurance plans that include coverage for orthodontics will pay a total lump sum amount toward treatment over the patient’s lifetime. This can be applied to orthodontic treatment at any time.

Is there a cost for the first orthodontic consultation?

The first consultation and evaluation are complimentary. You won’t need to pay anything until it is time to begin treatment.

What percentage of kids need interceptive orthodontics?

About 15-20% of children will need some orthodontic treatment between the ages of 7 and 9. This means that the majority of children won’t need any early intervention. But it is always best to find out for sure because orthodontic treatment can improve a child’s quality of life.

How long does interceptive orthodontic treatment take?

On average, interceptive orthodontic treatment may take anywhere from 6-12 months. In severe cases, it could be longer.

Call 845-634-3560 to schedule an appointment.